Minerva is the daughter of Mont Porte's ambassador to Japan, half-French on her mother's side, and a happy, charming, friendly, talented girl brimming with idealism and care for her fellow man. But Minerva's idealism is a naive kind: petitioning to join the Autobots out of a desire to "fight evil", she quickly found that the reality of war was a lot more than she was prepared for. Already very uncomfortable with violence and now thrown into the heart of a war in which children, of all beings, are so casually made a part of the conflict, Minerva is left struggling to rationalize her role as a warrior, even one on the side of good. As such, she usually refrains from entering battle herself unless circumstances absolutely demand it, instead operating as a battlefield medic and tending to the human victims of the Transformers' battles. In the final analysis, Minerva's timidness leaves her simply treating the symptoms of the disease, rather than fighting the cause.
As an Autobot Headmaster Junior, Minerva is bonded to a Transtector from the planet Master, which takes the form of an emergency rescue vehicle. Using her Master-Braces, she can summon a suit of armor that enhances her physical strength, speed and reflexes, which allows her to transform into a head for her Transtector and function as a full-size Transformer robot armed with a paralyzing "Shock Gun". Outside of combat situations, Minerva is a much more easy-going girl. Clearly raised in an overly "traditional" manner befitting an ambassador's daughter and tutored in various "feminine skills", she is a talented dancer, painter, cook and medic, and has inherited the poise, grace and beauty of her mother, making her the object of many of her male teammates' affections. A word or two of praise from Minerva is enough to bring any Autobot out in a hot flush.
(Source: TF Wiki)
As an Autobot Headmaster Junior, Minerva is bonded to a Transtector from the planet Master, which takes the form of an emergency rescue vehicle. Using her Master-Braces, she can summon a suit of armor that enhances her physical strength, speed and reflexes, which allows her to transform into a head for her Transtector and function as a full-size Transformer robot armed with a paralyzing "Shock Gun". Outside of combat situations, Minerva is a much more easy-going girl. Clearly raised in an overly "traditional" manner befitting an ambassador's daughter and tutored in various "feminine skills", she is a talented dancer, painter, cook and medic, and has inherited the poise, grace and beauty of her mother, making her the object of many of her male teammates' affections. A word or two of praise from Minerva is enough to bring any Autobot out in a hot flush.
(Source: TF Wiki)
Transformers Super-God Masterforce
Supporting (Role) TV