Happy Children's Day 2021
“A child can always teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, to be always busy with something and know how to demand with all his might what you want.”
Release: 5/31/2021 15 animes

Other Events

The Best Anime of the Decade

The Best Anime of the Decade

Japan has voted the Naruto Series as the best anime Of the decade. Congratulations!!!
Release: 5/5/2021 14 animes
Good Bye to a Legend!!! Thank You!!

Good Bye to a Legend!!! Thank You!!

A tragic day for the world of manga, Miura Kentaro, famed author/artist for the legendary and unfinished series Berserk, has passed away suddenly at the age of 54. "Berserk is one of the most beautiful pieces of art"
Release: 5/20/2021 6 animes


Your Summer Rewind 2021 is here!!! CHECK IT OUT NOW!!!!
Release: 9/29/2021 29 animes